At that time (in 1985) I was 5 years old when the film is still in the Betamax video format. It was nice when my parents let me watch movies featuring real character (not a cartoon). "KEJARLAH DAKU KAU KU TANGKAP" is one of my favorite 80's romantic comedy .
This movie directed by Chaerul Umam and written by Asrul Sani; Such a smart comedy! A story about a young journalist named Ramadan (Deddy Mizwar) in an attempt to express her love for bank employee named Mona (Lydia Kandou) with a complicated way.A sense of prestige and distinction principle be the start of the conflict problems which reveal how the complexity of feeling each.
Ramadan living in a home with a bachelor uncle who was named Markum (Ikranegara). The nerdy Markum always give an advice and principles of his philosophy about women to sometimes make Ramadan confusion in making decisions. While Mona live with her old virgin friend named Mary (Ully Artha) which is also too give some advice about the man's world (they all bastard).The role of Samsu (Hengky Solaiman) character as counter staff salary is not really taking part in the storyline, but the scene Ramadan screaming angrily to Samsu be a very funny scene. Closing this scene became hilarious when Ramadan put some paper money on his forehead.The end of the film concludes with scenes of Ramadan and the Mona hugging in the middle of a busy street with passing cars and motorcycles. It's a very romantic ending to the story style of the '80s.This story is one example of Indonesian romantic comedy with a simple idea but professionally made in terms of script writing, directing and the actors who I believe was then the totality of the art of acting that can't be underestimated.
This movie directed by Chaerul Umam and written by Asrul Sani; Such a smart comedy! A story about a young journalist named Ramadan (Deddy Mizwar) in an attempt to express her love for bank employee named Mona (Lydia Kandou) with a complicated way.A sense of prestige and distinction principle be the start of the conflict problems which reveal how the complexity of feeling each.
Ramadan living in a home with a bachelor uncle who was named Markum (Ikranegara). The nerdy Markum always give an advice and principles of his philosophy about women to sometimes make Ramadan confusion in making decisions. While Mona live with her old virgin friend named Mary (Ully Artha) which is also too give some advice about the man's world (they all bastard).The role of Samsu (Hengky Solaiman) character as counter staff salary is not really taking part in the storyline, but the scene Ramadan screaming angrily to Samsu be a very funny scene. Closing this scene became hilarious when Ramadan put some paper money on his forehead.The end of the film concludes with scenes of Ramadan and the Mona hugging in the middle of a busy street with passing cars and motorcycles. It's a very romantic ending to the story style of the '80s.This story is one example of Indonesian romantic comedy with a simple idea but professionally made in terms of script writing, directing and the actors who I believe was then the totality of the art of acting that can't be underestimated.
Kala itu (tahun 1985) saya baru berusia 5 tahun disaat film masih dalam format video betamax. Senang rasanya bila orangtua saya memperbolehkan saya menonton film yang menampilkan aktor sungguhan (bukan kartun). "KEJARLAH DAKU KAU KUTANGKAP" adalah salah satu film komedi romantis 80-an favorit saya. Film karya Sutradara Chaerul Umam dan ditulis oleh Asrul Sani ini memperlihatkan komedi cerdas dari kekocakan seorang wartawan muda bernama Ramadan (Deddy Mizwar) dalam usahanya mengungkapkan cintanya pada karyawati Bank bernama Mona (Lydia Kandou).
Rasa Gengsi dan konflik perbedaan prinsip menjadi awal masalah dimana betapa rumitnya mengungkapkan perasaan masing-masing. Ramadan hidup serumah dengan Pamannya seorang bujang lapuk bernama Markum (Ikranegara). Markum yang berpenampilan kutu buku ini terlalu banyak memberikan nasihat dan prinsip filosofinya seputar wanita hingga terkadang membuat Ramadan bingung dalam mengambil keputusan.
Sementara Mona tinggal serumah dengan temannya seorang perawan tua bernama Marni (Ully Artha) yang juga terlalu memberikan sejumlah nasehat seputar dunia lelaki yang baginya sama saja (para hidung belang).
Peranan Samsu (Hengky Solaiman) sebagai petugas loket gaji memang tidak terlalu ambil bagian dalam alur cerita, namun adegan Ramadan yang berteriak marah ke Samsu menjadi adegan yang sangat lucu. Penutup scene ini menjadi semakin kocak saat Ramadan menempelkan sejumlah uang kertas di keningnya.
Akhir dari film ini ditutup dengan adegan Ramadan dan Mona berpelukan di tengah jalanan yang ramai dengan mobil dan motor yang lewat. Sungguh akhir cerita yang sangat romantis untuk gaya cerita era 80-an.
Cerita ini merupakan salah satu contoh film komedi romantis Indonesia yang sangat sederhana namun dibuat secara profesional dari segi penulisan naskah, penyutradaraan dan juga aktornya yang saya yakin kala itu totalitas seni akting bukan hal yang bisa dianggap remeh.
Love story does not stop here because the relationship between Markum and Marni continues into marriage. The story of their marriage, entitled "KELUARGA MARKUM" (Markum Family) will be the story of this movie sequel.
Cerita cinta tidak berhenti disini karena hubungan antara Markum dan Marni berlanjut ke pernikahan. Kisah rumah tangga mereka berjudul "KELUARGA MARKUM" akan menjadi cerita sekuel film ini.
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